Saraswati didi took me to
NagaBazar yesterday to get a little table... it was an adventure. We took a rickshaw on the main road... amazing how many times you can almost die in 10 min. Then we went from wood shop to wood shop looking and asking for two little simple wooden desks with a shelf or so.... see the thing is, wood is not very "modern" so there was loads of prefab plastic crap (which was very expensive) but not what we were looking for... Until we saw one shop down an alley. The man said to follow him to his
storage place. We had the
rickshaw man follow us. The alley smelled like old urine and currey (btw, a very bad combination) We got two tables for 750 rps (about 15 dollars). They are unstained but well made... the adventure part was the way back:
So we came back to the Math in two
rickshaws, each of us carrying a table on our legs.
Saraswati's kinda fit in front of her, but she is tiny. SO I had this table digging into my legs... and I had to hold it with both hands, so I couldn't brace myself with my feet or hold on to the
rickshaw. We were swerving in and out of main road traffic (there was construction, did I mention that?) So there was
buses, taxis, carts... a tractor... stopping on a dime and me trying to stay on this
rickshaw... and to look dignified.
HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAnd, to make matters worse... I am huge for a was attracting a lot of attention... and looking the way I described above... just
imagine it, folks.

View from my bedroom window
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